Name: Tsunade
Alias: Fifth Hokage, Konoha Slug, Granny Tsunade
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 50 years old(born August 2)
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Amber
Height: 5'4" , 161.3 cm
Weight: 107.8 lbs , 48.9 kg
Blood: Type B
Teacher: Sarutobi - Sandaime Hokage
Teammates: Jiraiya, Orochimaru
Family: Shodamine (grandfather), Nawaki (younger brother), Dan
(boyfriend) - all dead
Side-kick: Shizune
Summons: Slugs
Weakness: Loves gambling
Status: Sannin(legendary ninja), 5th Hokage
Quote: Working is boring
Debut: Sometime around episode 82

Background: Godaime Hokage, medical specialist, the female from the Legendary Sannin and also known as The Legendary Sucker

Character Description:

Tsunade is the third and last part of the three Legendary Leaf Sannins, with Jiraiya and Orochimaru. Tsunade was also the first medical ninja to be put on the field. At a young age, Tsunade had a dramatic death that made her to push for a medical unit to be implemented in the Konoha military; the death of her younger brother Nawaki, the day after she gave him the necklace which belonged to the Second Hokage. After the meeting which she laid out her idea, which was initially rejected, another Jounin pushed his support for the idea. Tsunade and the Jounin named Dan became very close and fell in love. In ways her and Dan were the same, they both had a younger sibling that died in battle by enemy hands. Dan was killed by enemy ninjas. Since then, Tsunade has had a paralyzing fear of blood.

Tsunade is a very powerful ninja, She has great strength and she is a medical specialist. She can heal almost any wound and injury. She even healed Rock Lee's injuries that he got from battling Gaara during the Chuunin Exams. She can also perform a special technique that disrupts the target's Central Nervous System. She used the technique on Yakushi Kabuto, she inserted an electric charge into his nervous system, it reversed the connection of the brains control over the body, if he were to try to move his right arm, his left leg would move, if he was to move his right leg, his left arm would move instead ect. It provides her with an opening to strike them. It is a technique not to be underestimated. In addition she also has an obscene amount of strength, even at a young age, and "one good hit" will kill anyone, as Kabuto puts it. She has such great strength that she can put a huge crater into the ground just by stomping or hitting the ground. As a side note, her summon, Katsuyu, doesn't seem to talk much. She seems to be rather shy.

Tsunade, or Granny Tsunade as Naruto would call her, is one of the three legendary Sannins that was trained under the 3rd Hokage, also known as Sarutobi, along with Jiraiya and Orochimaru. Unlike Orochimaru and Jiraiya, she has incredible super-human strength and a bad temper to go along with it. Tsunade also happens to be the grand daughter of the 1st Hokage. She is a spontaneous person who loves to gamble, even though she is horrible at it and always ends up losing.

Her grandfather died fighting a great war when she very young, and everybody in her life that wished to become Hokage in the future, like her brother and boyfriend, also ended up dying. So she goes along traveling the world, with her student Shizune and Pig Ton-Ton, borrowing money from banks and loan-sharks to gamble and lose it.

Because of her troubled past, she resents and refuses to go back to Konoha (the Hidden Leaf Village). A turn of events then happen involving Orochimaru and she then she finally decides not only to return to Konoha but to also take the place of her deceased sensei and become the 5th Hokage. As Hokage, she tries to rebuild the almost obliterated village of Konoha.

Fifth Hokage Tsunade has a huge fear of blood, but she gets over it when she was fighting Orochimaru... which is good, since she is a medic.

Toward the end of episode 96, Tsunade has flashbacks to her days with Dan, her boyfriend, and her little brother Nawaki. They both wanted to be hokage, but unfortunately both died. Tsunade gave them a necklace that belonged to her grandfather, the 1st Hokage, but it was given to and meant only for her (though with the chain of events that occurred, it seems to belong to those who are meant to be someone important to Konoha, as in the hokage). She gave both Kawaki and Dan the necklace, and they each ended up dying from it.

Naruto is like a little brother to Tsunade because he looks like her younger brother, and has most of the traits that Dan had including goals which is to be hokage and protect the village. She offered a challenge to Naruto, telling him that he couldn't master the Rasengan in a week, but if he could then she would give him the necklace. Of course, he did win and he got the necklace, but he didn't die.

Tsunade is believed by some to bethe Yondaime's aunt, which, if true, would make her Naruto's great aunt. Also, the diamond symbol on her forehead is very important because it keeps her looking young, but at a cost of taking away years of her life doing so. We learn in manga issue 19 that it also helps her heal completely when injured.

The symbol on the back of her coat, "kake", means "gamble" or "wager".