You Failed! Kakashi's Final Decision
Sasuke attempts to fight Kakashi, and although he performs much better than Naruto, he is defeated. Kakashi then defeats Sakura by trapping her in a genjutsu while she tries to win Sasuke's affection. Meanwhile, Naruto sneaks to the two lunches and gets caught by Kakashi. Kakashi lectures the three on their inability to work together and forbids them from feeding Naruto. Despite this, Sasuke says they should feed Naruto. Sakura ends up doing this, and Kakashi reappears, passing them for their realization that protecting one's friends is more important than following the rules

Original Episode Title: Failure?! Kakashi's Conclusion

Director: Hayato Date
EnglishAired: Saturday October 1, 2005
Origina Airdate: October 31, 2002

  • When Naruto is dangling from the trap, his feet are tied together. But when he cuts the rope that's holding him up, there is no rope around his feet.
  • When Sakura faints after seeing Sasuke's head stuck in the ground, he says, "And that's my partner". But, Sasuke is on a team of three, so that is his teammate, not his partner, since partners are two people.
  • From the looks of it, Sasuke threw 4 kunai and 2 shuriken at Kakashi, but when they showed the log that he hit, there were 4 kunai and 7 shuriken.
  • Looks closely at Kakashi's book when he's leaning against the tree. The title on the cover and the picture on the back are missing.

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